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156 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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nice one

Had my head swaying back and forth. I could definitely play this for a while around the house^_^ good job.


Khuskan responds:

now comes the part where i have no idea what to make next.

not too shabby

I love videogame music, especially if it's from street fighter or megaman. I love how this track was done, although it did sound off a little in a section midway through. Overall, you did a good job here. One thing I've noticed you lacking is Astroman's music. you oughta do that (a personal request from me^_^). good job.


ZombiePosessor responds:

Done and done


If I were a little younger and heard this, my head would rock back and forth in a daze... with a big grin on my face. Good job on this track man^_^


Khuskan responds:

Once i get a nice collection of orchestrated zelda songs, I plan to merge them into one huge symphony, in attempt to create the longest zelda piece ever written for full orchestra.

nice track

This is a nice chill out track... although the keys are too high pitched for this to do any justice. I can hear this in a jazz lounge somewhere^_^... good work..


dc-pigpen responds:

thank you. i try to make most of my music pretty laid back, but this one has a frantic portion, too. you see, calea is short for calea zakidachichi (i don't know how to spell it) which is a dream enhancing herb that you take before sleeping, so it conflicts with coffee just as the beginning and end of this song conflict in mood.

my gawd...

It has been a while since I last saw you. You still have that knack for catching my ears. For a trance, this was really well done. I like it alot. Definitely a must download^_^ good job again.


Pandora-Tranquil responds:

thanks pal, keep in mind this is jus a beta, im hoping the finished version will be good

ok in all fairness...

I've heard something similar to this, I don't remember the name, however, what really hurts your score is the notion that you self downloaded, which is strictly forbidden here. Believe what you want about yourself and the work you do, which isn't bad by the way. But I have done the research on some of the places you have named and came up short (putting it lightly, the literal would be NIL), which leads me to believe that you did in fact self download this song to give it some attention. Not that it matters because the weeklies are random and the chances of you getting selected are about slim to none considering the number of songs that are here to begin with. Say what you want about me, but I call things as I see them, and I see a cheat. take care of yourself and take care not to grab too much unneeded attention; notoriety is a double edged sword.


ZombiePosessor responds:

Alright, I like how you said that. Check College Humor, I'm there. Leenks, might not be as of right now, MJJForum, you have to be a member of that before you can do ANY kind of searching, and you can't just sign up and be a member, they have to approve first, which takes 2-5 days. You can think I self-downloaded, but I didn't, because I wouldv'e done it to ALL of my songs. Plus, I have my own website where my songs get more exposure than they do here, so I wouldn't even NEED to self-download to get attention, it wouldv'e been seen somewhere regardless if I self-downloaded or not. I've done better songs than this, which I think deserve more downloads than they have, so why would I pick a song that I personally think isn't one of my best to "cheat?" I came home from school and found 1000+ downloads and people saying that I did it. I didn't. I know there's no way to prove that I didn't or did, but I'm saying I didn't. Thanks for not just coming out and saying "YOU FUCKING CHEATER!" Like everyone else, at least you tried to look @ both sides. Even tho you think I cheated, which I didn't, I appreciate the way you reviewed.

tens across the board.

High paced action sequence. I like how this was produced. There's a good balance, although the padded vocals could be lowered volume wise. But overall, from a professional standpoint, this get the highest out of me. good job.


oh and if you get the chance, check some of my stuff out and see what you think^_^

MattBlair responds:

Thanks alot, check out the full version whenever. And you seriously think its pro? Thanks again. Good stuff on your page :)


not bad....

This sounds totally fucking random, and that's a good thing, for your first submit, you don't wanna have to push totally different styles together, Just stick with one and go with it. You show promise. Keep trying.


Blizzard-Wolf responds:

Yes, it it 100% random =P
Thanks for the comments ^^

not bad...

The drums are good, but where's the heavy bass...? This sounds more like a breakbeat than DnB. DnB involves more of a heavy, fastpaced drumset with a slightly distorted acidy bass. If you're looking for inspiration, look up ParagonX9's audio and take notes. This isn't bad, but it sounds out of place from the rest of the genre. Keep trying though^_^


Creamy-T responds:

i guess it's breakbeat then, i don't know electronic genres that well. i wasn't trying to make it drum and bass. also, im not trying to sound like paragonx9. i prefer taking inspiration from people like aphex twin and amon tobin - no offense to paragonx9. thanks for the score.

ya know...

I really recommend using reason 3.0... The song itself is short, the keys and bass didn't harmonize right. And where's the creepy part? I'm listening to this right now and this sounds more like a boss fight in a video game. The high pitch keys get really annoying. Perhaps if you're really shooting for the creepy factor is to slow the next project down to about 100-110 BPM and generate some really hollow sfx, like you're in a forest in the middle of the night. After that, generate a low bassline and low piano riffs to harmonize. THis would be good if it were in the video game area instead of misc. Just consider what you're doing the next time and ask yourself what the final edit sounds like and where it goes. Keep trying.


Xela89 responds:

Thanks for the review. Infact, this was very helpful.

Look out for my next sumbission :)

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